Installation of a chiller for air conditioning and a dehumidifier

Persitech Rojo brillante kaki Persimon installations in Italy and Turkey
evaporativo teva
Changing evaporative condensers NH3 ammonia

Installation of a chiller for air conditioning and a dehumidifier


Installation of a chiller intended for the air conditioning of an entire work floor, in addition to industrial humidity control equipment with hot/cold supply and air renewal. These humidity control machines are ideal for large warehouses and workshop work rooms, which need to have humidity controlled to be able to carry out their industrial processes.

Details to highlight:

- Rooftop type chiller with free cooling. (free cooling, taking advantage of the cold temperatures of the outside air). This system results in great savings on the electricity bill, as well as extending the useful life of the compressors and components in general of the installation since they work fewer hours.

- Dehumidifier/Dehumidifier with a very low working setpoint, around 30% HR of relative humidity in the environment in the case of this specific equipment installed.

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