Visit to the main factory in Lucena (Córdoba) of the manufacturer KEYTER / INTARCON, where we could see first-hand how they manufacture all the industrial refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, they also showed us a new propane chiller R290 owned by frimorife and that we will install for one of our clients in a very short time. We were able to see this chiller, already in tests, completely finished, and examine it in detail, resolving any doubts or questions about it.
This chiller that works with a natural refrigerant such as hydrocarbon R290 propane gas, a definitive solution, with excellent cooling performance. The technology applied in this chiller with a low refrigerant charge also makes it a safe solution. In future posts we will show you it fully installed and running on one of our clients.
Thank INTARCON/KEYTER for the charming treatment received during the two days we spent with them, where we learned many things.
frímorífe enginyeria del fred